In the ever-evolving landscape of broadband, numerous myths and misconceptions have emerged. We've compiled a list to set the record straight.


Higher speed always means better internet


While a faster connection generally allows for smoother online activities, it’s the quality and consistency of the service that matter most. A stable connection at a moderate speed can often outperform an inconsistent high-speed connection.


You must pay line rental even if you don’t have a landline phone


While many broadband services in the UK are delivered via the traditional phone line (especially ADSL), the fee is for the line itself, not for the ability to make phone calls. Some fibre-optic services (like FTTP) might not require line rental at all.


All fibre broadband is the same


There’s Fibre-to-the-Cabinet (FTTC) and Fibre-to-the-Premises (FTTP). FTTC uses fibre optic cables to the street cabinet and then traditional copper to your home. FTTP, on the other hand, uses fibre optic cables directly to your home, offering faster and more consistent speeds.


Using wi-fi doesn’t affect speed


While Wi-Fi technology has come a long way, a wired connection (Ethernet) still often provides a more stable and faster connection than Wi-Fi. The further you are from your router or if there are walls in between, the weaker the Wi-Fi signal can become.


“Up to” speeds are what I’ll regularly get


The “up to” speed advertised is the maximum speed that users might achieve. However, this isn’t guaranteed. Factors like your home’s distance from the exchange, network congestion, and internal wiring can affect the actual speed.


Unlimited broadband means truly unlimited


While many providers offer “unlimited” broadband, there’s often a fair use policy in place. It’s rare for users to breach these, but if there’s excessive downloading or streaming, some providers might throttle speeds.


Switching providers is a hassle and leaves you without internet


The UK’s broadband market is designed to make switching as smooth as possible. In many cases, you’ll only experience a few hours of downtime, and some providers coordinate to ensure continuous service.


Broadband speed isn’t important for streaming


The quality of streaming (whether audio or video) heavily relies on your broadband speed. For HD streaming, you’d want at least 5 Mbps, and for 4K, it’s recommended to have 25 Mbps or more.


Only urban areas have access to fast broadband


While urban areas might have more options, the UK government and private companies have been investing in expanding superfast broadband to rural areas. Always check with multiple providers to see what’s available in your location.


In the digital age, understanding broadband is crucial. Always question the myths and misconceptions you hear and conduct thorough research or consult experts to make informed decisions about your broadband needs.

Remember: Broadband technology and policies evolve. Always consult with authoritative sources or professionals to get up-to-date and accurate information.