Well, in the UK context, that mostly refers to a type of broadband connection that has the following characteristics:

Full Fibre

This means that the broadband connection is made using fibre-optic cables all the way to the customer’s home or premises. This is sometimes referred to as “Fibre to the Home” (FTTH) or “Fibre to the Premises” (FTTP). This is different from some other fibre broadband offerings where fibre-optic cables might only be laid to the local street cabinet, with the final connection to the home being made using traditional copper phone lines. That latter type is often referred to as “Fibre to the Cabinet” (FTTC).


This refers to the speed of the connection, which in this case is up to 1 gigabit per second (1 Gbps or 1000 Mbps). This is significantly faster than many standard broadband connections. For comparison, many traditional ADSL broadband connections might offer download speeds of up to 10-20 Mbps, while some FTTC connections can offer speeds up to 80 Mbps or more. Gigabit speeds allow for much faster downloads, seamless streaming of high-definition content, smoother online gaming, and multiple users in a household can use high-bandwidth applications simultaneously without experiencing slowdown.

So, in summary, “Gigabit Full Fibre Broadband” would refer to a broadband service that uses fibre-optic cables all the way to the customer’s home and offers superfast speeds of up to 1 Gbps. It represents one of the fastest residential broadband services available.


So what would be great (yes, really) is that once you’ve paid your money and you’ve got your router plugged in and yadda yadda and you’ve been trying to watch re-runs of Miss Congeniality while your two kids leave their multiple devices downloading high-bandwidth game content, would be to get your money back if you didn’t get the actual, promised speed.

So there’s a concept:-(